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Marsing & Co. Africa are now a proud sole supplier of the Wellnex brand in South Africa

A breath of life for women and, hope for the elderly, or energy for the young and old. As a gemstone of beauty and health, we continue to improve in order to enhance your lives.
Nitta Gelatin presents Wellnex functional peptides. Their hidden, undiscovered potential will change the lives of tomorrow as well as the standards of the future.

“To stay healthy and feel young”.

*Wellnex is a term coined by combining the word “wellness” and the symbol “x” and represents multiple possibilities.


The human body is made up of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Collagen is a type of protein largely found in the skin, and that accounts for the
30% of the total protein content in the body.

Collagen* constitutes 90% of the total protein found in the bones.
Bone descriptions have compare calcium to concrete while collagen has been referred to as the steel frame.

Loss of collagen leads to degeneration of cartilage, wrinkled skin and brittle bones etc.
*Collagen refers to type 1 collagen.


– Collagen is a cellular scaffold and also acts as a lubricant that facilitates intercellular exchange of diverse
substances owing to its ability to fill intercellular spaces.
– Ageing is associated with collagen degradation and loss, a process that can lead to cellular death.
– However, recent studies indicate that cells can produce collagen following stimulation with collagen-derived active ingredients.*

Participating subjects included 74 humans between 15 and 93 years of age. Both of these values begin to decrease sharply around the age of 20 years.
Source: Shustor et al., Reference 11



Key amino acids for skin health


Figure 1 – Intestinal absorption of amino acid and peptide.

Levels of collagen Hyp peptides in the blood following oral ingestion


Supple skin | Improved viscoelasticity | Reduced wrinkles

o Rebuilds cartilage
o Prevents cartilage degeneration
o Improves bone mineral density

o Strengthens tendons and ligaments
o Reduces pain related osteoarthritis


Decrease in the number of hidden blemishes

Clinical Trial
o Randomized, Placebo controlled, double blind
o 39 female subjects aged 35 to 55 years with skin problems
    o Wellnex: 26 subjects
    o Placebo: 13 subjects
o Dosage: 5g/day for 8 weeks
o Evaluation: Hydration, elasticity, roughness
o Country: Japan

Women who consumed collagen peptides showed a significant decrease in hidden blemish scores compared to the placebo group.

“Clinical effects of collagen hydrolysates ingestion on UV induced pigmented spots
of human skin” Fumihito Sugihara, Naoki Inoue, Health Sciences Vol. 28, No.s, 2021,
page 153

Clinical Trial
o Randomized, Placebo controlled, double blind
o 56 female subjects aged 30 to 55 years with skin problems
    o Wellnex: 28 subjects
    o Placebo: 28 subjects
o Dosage: 2.8g/day for 8 weeks
o Evaluation: Hydration, elasticity, roughness
o Country: China

Significant Improvement in elasticity, moisture and smoothness within 8 weeks.

Sugihara F, Inoue N, Wang X: Clinical effects of ingesting collagen hydrolysate on facial skin properties, Jpn Pharmacol Ther; 43:67-70, 2015

Clinical Trial
o Randomized, Placebo controlled, double blind
o 71 female subjects aged 30 to 55 years with skin problems
    o Wellnex: 37 subjects
    o Placebo: 34 subjects
o Dosage: 3.0g/day for 12 weeks, 20ml beverage
o Evaluation: Hydration, elasticity, roughness
o Country: South Korea

Significant Improvement in elasticity, moisture and smoothness within 8 weeks.

Seiko Koizumi, Naoki Inoue, Maiko Shimizu, Change-ju Kwon, Hwa-young, Kim & Kyoung Sik Park “Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Fish Scales-Derived Collagen Peptides on Skin Parameters and Condition: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Study” International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeuticsm DOI 10.1007/s10989-017-9626-0

Knee Join Osteoarthritis (India)

Knee Join Osteoarthritis (India)

o Collagen peptide (BBCP; Mw5,000)
o 5g x 2 per day dose
o N=10 for placebo group, N=20 for collagen peptide group with knee joint
    osteoarthritis patient
o 14 Weeks study
o Measured WOMAC, VAS and QOL score data

Knee Join Osteoarthritis 2


Randomised, Open Label, Multi Center, Two Arms Parrallel Group

o Collagen peptide (BBCP; Mw5,000)
o Age: 45 – 55 years
o 10g Per day dose for 1 year

o Wellnex = 31 subjects,
   comparator – 34 subjects
o Evaluation: Dexa bone scan | Serum
   BAP | Serum OsteoCalcin

o Randomized clinical trial.
o Test materials: AAA Ca, 300mg, Collagen Peptide 3500mg, Composite
   Mucopolysaccharide 200mg, Glucosamine 600mg, Vitamin C 200mg, Glucose,
   Maltose, citric acid, lemon juice, lemon flavour and acesulfan.

o Supplementation group: Ca-Collagen-Matrix, dissolved in warm water, 3 times/day,
   after meal for 4 months + basal treatments before and after study period.
o Control group: Only Basal treatment.

o Measurement: Pain was assessed subjectively by the face scale and objectively by
   measuring skin impedance.
o Skin impedance measured in quiet sitting position and after applying loads to the
   spine and knee joints.

o Marked alleviation of subjective pain in supplementation group.
o A fall of skin impedance was also alleviated in supplementation group.
o Basal skin impedance was significantly reduced (usually increase with age)
   in supplementation group.


Support athletic performance

Managing Diabetes


Clinically proven to control diabetes

o Ideal healthy intervention in early stages of diabetes.
o Add on effect with regular medical therapy.
o Improvement in quality of life.
o Enhance joint and bone health.
o Significant reduction in FBS and HbA1C.
o Significant improvement in insulin sensitivity.
o Synergic effect with regular medical therapy.



o Formulation development and sharing formulation.
o Different grades for powder and beverages.
o Market trends from developed countries.

o Customized product solutions.
o Retail packaging.
o Clinical evidence – functional.


Japan is the largest consumer of collagen in the world. In Japan, collagen peptides are primarily valued for their cosmetic properties. Globally, collagen peptides are consumed
for their effects on joint health and for nutritional purposes, thus reflecting the diversity of beneficial properties associated with collagen peptide use.
80% Is beauty, collagen bible.


Drink Shots

Jellies, Gummies, Tables

Powder (Sachets and Jars)

Grade/TypeBronze/BCG50NRSilver/BCG50SPGold/BCG50HGPlatinum/BCG30HGDrink Grade/BCP30DR
Protein % (Dry basis)> 98> 98> 98> 98> 90
Molecular Weight (Dalton)~ 5000~ 5000~ 5000~ 3000~3000
Dulk Density (g/m)0.28 - 0.320.28 - 0.320.28 - 0.320.28 - 0.320.30 - 0.35
Dissolution Time (Seconds)130 - 150130 - 150120 - 15090 - 120100 - 150
Dispersion Time (Seconds)< 50< 50< 50< 20< 50
Clarity of Solution (10% Solution)> 1713 - 16< 10< 9< 9
OdourStrong metallic/chemical topnotesMetallic/chemical topnotesMild metallic/chemical topnotesVery mild metallic/chemical topnotesVery mild metallic/chemical topnotes
TasteTart notes, sharp bovine aftertasteTart notes, sharp aftertastePalatable, smooth flavourTastes best among three variantsCitric sour taste
Heavy Metals< 50 ppm< 50 ppm< 50 ppm< 50 ppm< 50 ppm
Particle Size# 10 pass# 10 pass# 10 pass# 20 pass, # 100 pass# 100 pass
Packaging10Kg paper bag10Kg paper bag10Kg paper bag10Kg paper bag15Kg paper bag


Domestic patents
JPB 3574612 – Collagen supplemented to food and drinks
JPB 3881453 – Calcium absorption-enhancing collagen peptides and their manufacturing method
JPB 4377522 – Method of manufacturing of stable, acidified milk beverage using collagen peptides
JPB 4490498 – Disease-suppressing agent (bones, joints and wound healing)
JPB 4523339 – Agent that enhances bone strength
JPB 4709730 – Chewable tablet
JPB 5361155 – Degraded gelatin powder and its manufacturing method

Registered trademark
No. 5524071 – Wellnex

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